

In democratic meritocracy, power belongs to the people, to the General Assembly, which is consisted of all citizens with the right to vote, and possess socially useful knowledge (experts), the Council of Experts.
The role of politicians (political managers) and their organizations is to execute the orders of people and experts, if they are capable of doing so. If they are not, they have no place in so-called executive authority, even if they win the elections, which will be held every four or every two years, depending on the need. Otherwise, only those who provide evidence of possessing expert references and a clear program can participate in the elections, and the elections will only be held for the executive authority. The parliamentary, the real authority is gained atthe age of maturity (the General Assembly, the Assembly of People), and the supreme knowledge (Assembly of Experts).
The essence of the system of democratic meritocracy is that all people with the right to vote (gained at the age of maturity) can do so, and that only those with knowledge and skills can be chosen to position of authority, and duration of their mandate depends on the achieved good results, rather than the period in which they were selected. This solution is the only way to achieve prosperity.
Everything else is an idle talk , which is happening in Serbia for a quarter of a century, and the situation does not change for the better, whichever party has been in  power.
In the system of democratic meritocracy, the parties will not have the power, they will, at least those which are capable of, and provide evidence of it, for appropriate sallary, perform the tasks presented by the people (General assembly) and the Assembly of Experts, as the highest instances of authority. The most important task or social goal of democratic meritocracy is the achievement of a demoeconomic imperative: ensuring the conditions for a safe and decent life for all citizens. Democratic meritocracy is not a utopia, it is realistic and achievable project, especially suitable for “poor democracies”, which quickly turn into ochlocracy, rule of incompetence. Democratic meritocracy is
the protection of classical democracy from poverty, dysfunctionality,
and chaos.
In summary, in democratic meritocracy, citizens define the goal (suitable life),
and by definning the goal, governs, and possessors of socially
useful knowledge (experts) realize this goal, and by doing that gain the
right to power and to realize their own goals which are not opposed to
main goal (suitable life). Thus, an interest symbiosis of the majority of
people and experts is achieved.
And another thing: democratic meritocracy is the adaptation of
democracy to actual reality and the elimination of the proven defects
of democracy, and main defect is deviation into ochlocracy, rule of
the incompetent and those with little or no sense of moral and human
The pioneer of the promotion and implementation of democratic
meritocracy is the organization “Association for Reconstruction and
Development – Restructure”, a man who shaped the idea of democratic
meritocracy is Dragan Atanackovic Teodor, who is the President of the
Board of the Association for Reconstruction and Development – Restructure
and writer of  book:

Главни координатор активности АСОЦИЈАЦИЈЕ СРБИЈА – АС ПОКРЕТА

Драган Атанацковић Теодор, социолог и антропопсихолог, аутор књиге ДЕМОКРАТСКА МЕРИТОКРАТИЈА – АЛТЕРНАТИВА ПАРЛАМЕНТАРНОЈ ДЕМОКРАТИЈИ